First of all, I’m so sorry for missing Photo Friday for the first time ever last week and for not posting as often as usual lately. Life has been chaotic and turbulent to say the least, and I needed some down time. I’m gradually bouncing back, and I’m happy to be bringing you back to Moscow.
It’s been a long time since I’ve done a Photo Friday featuring one of Moscow’s subway stations, and I thought that Baumanskaya would be a good trip back to communist Moscow.

The Baumanskaya platform.
If you’re heading east down the dark blue line, you’ll make it here just before Elektrozabodskaya Station. Baumanskaya was opened in 1944, and it was named after Nikolay Bauman, who was a Bolshevik revolutionary. Of course, Russia can’t have a place dedicated to a revolutionary without paying tribute to Lenin. ↓

Close-up of the Lenin mosaic.
Like the other stations I’ve featured in past Photo Friday posts, Baumanskaya is loaded with beautiful marble and art decor. Between the pylons are bronze sculptures like the ones in Ploshchad Revolyutsii Station, except that all the sculptures in Baumanskaya depict only the Russian soldiers and the people who worked on the home front during the Second World War.
How do you think passing through a station like this would influence your opinions
about your country and its history?
The post Photo Friday: Baumanskaya Station appeared first on Trekking with Becky.