July 1st marked a month since I arrived in Moscow, and adjusting to life here has taken longer than I anticipated. Within the past month, I’ve gotten used to the numerous things you’re pretty much guaranteed to see after you step out of your Moscow apartment, and I can say even say that a lot of them have become comforting parts of my daily life.
Focusing on the positive, here are the top three nice, comforting things that you’ll see every day if you ever make it to Moscow. Enjoy!
1) Stunningly beautiful metro stations
Moscow has the most beautiful metro stations I have ever seen. They’re nothing like I’ve seen anywhere else. You can even go on a metro station tour, but I just went station hopping by myself one rainy day and took a zillion pictures. I’m still sorting through all of them, but here’s an idea. ↓

One of the most stunning metro stations – Komsomolskaya.
Walking through these stations to and from work every day makes the commute better, and I still look up and around as I’m heading to the next escalator, platform, staircase, etc. I always see at least a couple of people taking pictures every single day.
2) Bouquets of fresh flowers
Every day, I see at least a handful of men and women carrying bouquets of beautiful, fresh flowers. Men buy flowers for women all the time, and you’ll see people (usually babushkas) selling bouquets near metro stations. Now and then, you’ll see another babushka selling produce. ↓

Doing business at Park Kultury.

Flowers for sale near my home station.
3) Churches everywhere
I’m a Christian, and although I’m not a regular church-goer and I don’t know what exactly Russian Orthodox Christians believe compared to other Christian sects, I find it comforting to see churches every day. They are everywhere, and they are all distinct in their colours and Russian architecture.

A beautiful church from one of the classroom windows.
Come to think of it, when I was living in Japan, a strong sense of relief and comfort would sweep over me the rare time I saw a church. In other countries where I never expect to see churches or signs of Christianity, like Thailand, I’ve found myself exclaiming, “Oooh! A church!”
What are three things that you see every day in your city that bring you comfort?
The post Three Things You See Every Day in Moscow appeared first on Trekking with Becky.