Teaching English in Japan and Russia…So Far
Tweet Teaching English in Japan and Russia (so far) like anything else, have their similarities and differences that are rooted in culture. Of course, I can’t comment on teaching English in Russia...
View ArticlePhoto Friday: Cardiff Castle Keep and Walls
Tweet With the very first Photo Friday post having gone live on June 26th last year, I thought that I’d feature Wales’ Cardiff Castle this week to close the first full year of Photo Friday; in my very...
View ArticleLiving Conditions in Moscow
Tweet It turned out that I was right to worry about living conditions of my permanent apartment based on the condition of my temporary apartment building a few weeks ago. The elevator was frightening...
View ArticleThree Things You See Every Day in Moscow
Tweet July 1st marked a month since I arrived in Moscow, and adjusting to life here has taken longer than I anticipated. Within the past month, I’ve gotten used to the numerous things you’re pretty...
View ArticlePhoto Friday: Komsomolskaya Station
Tweet I mentioned in previous posts about living in Moscow that this city has such classy, beautiful, unique subway stations and as promised, here is the first Photo Friday post featuring one of the...
View ArticlePhoto Friday: Ploshchad Revolyutsii Station
Tweet My favourite sculpture. It’s easy to see why Ploshchad Revolyutsii is one of Moscow’s most famous subway stations, and after the response to last week’s first subway station post highlighting...
View ArticlePhoto Friday: Taganskaya Station
Tweet Taganskaya written in Cyrillic. While stations like Komsomoldskaya, Ploshchad Revolyutsii, and others just make my jaw drop in amazement, Moscow’s Taganskaya subway station has a calming effect...
View ArticlePhoto Friday: Novoslobodskaya Station
Tweet Novoslobodskaya is one of my favourite stations, and I’m so lucky that I get to see it twice a day since this where I get off for work. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I first pulled into this...
View ArticleLearning Russian…So Far
Tweet Learning Russian is a challenge unlike any other language I’ve studied. Russian is my 5th language, and it is definitely the most difficult one. Although I find Russian to be very pleasant to...
View ArticlePhoto Friday: Arbatskaya Station
Tweet I discovered Arbatskaya Station yesterday when I went to the beautiful, historic, pedestrian-only Arbat Street. Arbatskaya is just beautiful with the marble, high ceilings, and the best feature...
View ArticlePhoto Friday: I’m Really in Moscow
Tweet When you’re exploring a new place, there’s nothing like having the I’m really in Moscow (or wherever) sensation sweep you away. You know you’re really there, but there’s always that moment when...
View ArticlePhoto Friday: Prospect Mira
Tweet Prospect Mira was the first Moscow subway station that blew me away. Until I saw Prospect Mira, the other stations I saw were nothing out of the ordinary, and the beauty of this station was...
View ArticlePhoto Friday: Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius
Tweet Sergiev Posad is a perfect day trip from Moscow, and you’ll be spending most of your time at the incredible monastery, Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius. Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius next to modern...
View ArticlePhoto Friday: Electrozavodskaya Station
Tweet Electrozavodskaya is one of the more well-known Moscow metro stations, but it isn’t as busy as most of the other stations I’ve featured in this photo series so far since it’s not smack-dab...
View ArticleMore Food in Moscow
Tweet It’s about time that I write about more food in Moscow. Not only has it been a while since I wrote my first post about food in Moscow, but I’ve noticed that my posts and status updates on the...
View ArticlePhoto Friday: Communist Revival?
Tweet Seeing symbols of Russia’s communist past is not uncommon in Moscow, such as the Lenin, the communist logo, and the communist star. They’re everywhere, from Red Square to subway stations across...
View ArticleFrom Dump to Soviet Palace – Part 1
Tweet If you follow me on Facebook, you might have seen that two weeks ago (already), I moved from a dump to a Soviet palace. It’s not a real palace, of course, but compared to the dump I was living...
View ArticleFrom Dump to Soviet Palace – Part 2
Tweet Last week’s post, From Dump to Soviet Palace – Part 1, and my post about living conditions in Moscow painted bleak pictures about Russian living conditions, but let me assure you that ideal...
View ArticlePhoto Friday: Chisinau Ghetto Memorial
Tweet The memorial is part way down to the right. Stumbling upon the Chisinau Ghetto Memorial last weekend was completely unexpected. Chisinau is the perfect city to wander around for a leisurely...
View ArticleHotel Chisinau, Moldova
Tweet I know that a lot of people want a hotel with a good view and the most modern comforts, but walking into Hotel Chisinau in Moldova is stepping back into the Soviet era. Hotel Chisinau’s lovely...
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